New Arrivals every Thursday at 8pm cst!

Local Pickup Info

Important!! Below is our information for local pickup.

If you've chosen this as your shipping option (to pickup locally at our warehouse) this is the information you'll need.

  • Local pickups are available from Monday-Thursday from 8 AM to 11 AM
  • Pickup location is 9964 Interstate 20 in Merkel (look for the bright Smiley Mural on our building)
  • We will tag you in our Facebook group when your items are ready for pickup
  • Per our policy, turnaround times are 2-7 business days once orders are placed, but may be sooner
  • Packages are located on the Local Pickup shelf, and are in alphabetical order by FIRST NAME
  • If you have issues please fill out the contact form or email us at (as opposed to reaching out on social media)